Web of Things

W3C WoT – Related Community Groups

The following Community Groups support the WoT activities:

Web of Things Community Group

The aim of the Web of Things Community Group (CG) is to accelerate the adoption of Web technologies as a basis for enabling services for the combination of the Internet of Things with rich descriptions of things and the context in which they are used.

This group will not publish any specifications.

Chairs: Ege Korkan, Cristiano Aguzzi

Website: https://www.w3.org/community/wot/

Web of Things Japanese Community Group

The mission of the Web of Things Japanese Community Group includes the following:

  • to facilitate focused discussion in Japanese on the Web of Things specifications and related specifications;
  • to gather comments and questions in Japanese about those specifications;
  • to collect information about specific use cases in Japanese for technologies defined in those specifications; and
  • to report the results of its activities as a group back to the Web of Things Working Group/Interest Group, the W3C membership, and the Web community.

This group will not publish any specifications.

Chairs: Tomoaki Mizushima (IRI), Kunihiko Toumura (Hitachi)

Website: https://www.w3.org/community/wot-jp/

Web Thing Protocol Community Group

The mission of this group is to define a common protocol for communicating with connected devices over the web, to enable ad-hoc interoperability on the Web of Things.

Deliverables of the group may include use cases, requirements and specifications.

Chair: Ben Francis

Website: https://www.w3.org/community/web-thing-protocol/

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